2024 - 2025 LIVE UNITED Grant Application

It is not necessary to log in to use this application. If you are unable to finish your application, press "Save Draft" and you should be able to complete it by revisiting this page on the same device. If you have any difficulties doing so or have other questions about the application process, please reach out to Nicholas Malin at nmalin@uwayep.org or at (304)263-0603 (Ext. 123). Only electronic versions of the application will be accepted.

You will be required to download the following document, complete it, and upload it into this application tool.

Program Financial Data & Proposed Budget

Click here for LIVE UNITED application guidelines.

One file only.
200 MB limit.
Allowed types: gif, jpg, jpeg, png, bmp, eps, tif, pict, psd, txt, rtf, html, odf, pdf, doc, docx, ppt, pptx, xls, xlsx, xml, avi, mov, mp3, ogg, wav, bz2, dmg, gz, jar, rar, sit, svg, tar, zip.
One file only.
200 MB limit.
Allowed types: gif, jpg, jpeg, png, bmp, eps, tif, pict, psd, txt, rtf, html, odf, pdf, doc, docx, ppt, pptx, xls, xlsx, xml, avi, mov, mp3, ogg, wav, bz2, dmg, gz, jar, rar, sit, svg, tar, zip.
One file only.
200 MB limit.
Allowed types: gif, jpg, jpeg, png, bmp, eps, tif, pict, psd, txt, rtf, html, odf, pdf, doc, docx, ppt, pptx, xls, xlsx, xml, avi, mov, mp3, ogg, wav, bz2, dmg, gz, jar, rar, sit, svg, tar, zip.